Vizidio Business Development
Expert business advice, guidance, and services to help you manage, develop, and grow your business or help you get started with your new business idea.

Vizidio Business Development offers services that provide our clients with advice, expertise and experienced guidance. That assists them with management, business development and the growth of their business or helps those with new business ideas get started. Over the years, we have had the pleasure of working with over a hundred business owners. You can read seventy-plus five-star reviews from some of these business owners via the link below:

Business Advice On-Demand
About This Service
Our on-demand business advice service provides you and your business with insightful, well-thought-out and practical advice on various business matters. That will assist you in making better, more informed, decisive and confident business choices. Some of the matters advice is provided on include start-up advice, new business advice, business feedback, management, customer, marketing, product/service, growth and business development.
It provides you business counsel with an experienced business advisor or business owner support when you require. The service is available on a pay-as-you-require basis so no need to subscribe to a monthly subscription. Pricing for this service starts from as little as £10. If you are looking for business advice that is affordable, flexible and available when you require, then this is the service for you. Whether you need a little guidance, feedback or a nudge of encouragement then you can count on us to be there to provide it.
Who is it for?
Our on-demand business advice service is aimed primarily towards the following group of business owners and entrepreneurs. The list is based on the industries we have first-hand experience working in or have worked significantly with businesses in. Therefore, the businesses and owners operating within these parameters will benefit most from what we offer:
– Entrepreneurs, business owners or soon-to-be business owners. Who are in the process of opening a business, have recently launched a business or operate their own small or medium business
-That operate businesses in the United Kingdom, United States, Canada or Europe within the consumer goods, service, retail, leisure or tourism sectors
What Matters We Can Provide Advice On?
Below are details of some of the matters we provide business advice on:
Start-Up/New Business

For entrepreneurs, new business owners or soon-to-be business owners. Our business advice service provides you with new business owner advice, offers solutions to new business challenges or wherever else you may require advice. That will help your business get off to a smooth start and ease you into the role of being a business owner.
Business Feedback

As a business owner, you are always exploring opportunities, thinking of ideas and new initiatives that will improve and help grow your business. This service will assist you in selecting the right ones to pursue. By assessing the pros and cons, how it can benefit your business as well as providing suggestions, thoughts and recommendations that will help you make an informed choice on what is best for your business.
Management and Leadership

Advice that supports you with the management and leadership of your business. Provides management advice, assists with decision-making, helps solve problems and offers solutions. This can include business processes, managing employees or other management matters that you may require assistance on.
Business Occurrences

Business is eventful, there are always events occurring internally and externally. That can have a positive or negative impact on your business that you must stay informed of. Not only must you stay informed, but you must identify the right responses to them that will be most beneficial to your business. This service helps with this as we provide you with practical and actionable advice on how best to respond to these occurrences.

Provides you with honest and insightful feedback on your products and services. With a focus on how to keep them current, relevant and desirable to your customers. This can include how to improve the current product/service offering, pricing, assessing feedback from customers and where best to develop in the future.

Advice, suggestions and recommendations on how best to manage relationships with your customers. That will keep them happy, satisfied and loyal to your business. Including relationship management, customer service, dealing with disgruntled customers and how to attract more of them to your business.

Supports you in identifying how to market your new or existing businesses. Including how to promote your business, market your product/services, marketing recommendations and general marketing help. Feedback and guidance are available on other aspects including social media and brand management.
Business Growth

Provides advice and guidance on how to grow, develop and improve your business. Offers business growth advice, feedback and suggestions on ideas and opportunities that will help your business grow. Utilises our years of experience in business development to help with the development of yours. By helping you select the right growth opportunities and business development ideas. That will boost and help generate new business.

New Business Idea Development
About This Service
Our new business idea development service is a business start-up service. That assists entrepreneurs, those with new business ideas or those who want help with their new business idea with the development of their business idea.
The service reviews your business idea, offers start-up advice, helps develop your business idea and provides you with a blueprint on how to turn your business idea into a viable business. As we lean on our years of experience and know-how in business development including in starting new businesses. To help you make the most of your new business idea.
What It Offers?
We review, assess, evaluate and support the development of your new business idea. By analysing your market, understanding your idea’s viability and what actions are required to take your idea to market. Suggestions, recommendations and feedback focused on improving your initial idea are also provided. The goal is to provide you with clear guidance, help you understand your idea’s potential and what is needed to launch your business successfully.
If you are looking for experienced advice and insight on your business idea, what your business should be and how to start your business. Then this is a service that is worthy of your consideration. With this service, you not only receive input on your idea but also get an understanding of your market. Help with the development of your idea, what to consider when starting your business and how to start your business. This includes constructive feedback, suggestions, thoughts and a free-from-bias evaluation on why you should or shouldn’t pursue this idea along with so much more. This will help you both fine-tune your idea and prepare you for life as a successful business owner.
Guidance and advice is available on the following aspects of your new business idea:
Market Overview

Provides an informative overview of the market your business will operate in. Including market size, attributes, the latest development and its future prospects amongst other important information.
Market Analysis

An analysis of the market with additional important information. That will add context to your idea’s potential and how you can position your business idea to take advantage.
Business Idea Review

Reviews, assesses and evaluates your new business idea. Providing you with feedback, advice, suggestions and recommendations that are focused on improving your initial idea.
Idea Development

We further dissect your idea utilising our experience in building businesses and business development. To refine, fine-tune and understand what other opportunities it can benefit from.
Business Overview

Recommendations to help you decide what your business focus, USP, competitive advantage and core competencies should be.
Business Model

Offers guidance that will help you develop your business model. Including suggestions on product lines and how best to generate revenue.

Identifying and providing suggestions on who your primary customer base should be, what other customer groups should be considered. As well as details on how to target and build meaningful relationships with them.

An insightful look at the products/services you will offer to customers. Including thoughts and feedback on your desired product/service ranges and how your offering can be presented to make it more appealing to your desired customers.

Recommendations on how you can market your products/services effectively to your desired customer base.
Growth & Progression

Experienced insights and thoughts on what opportunities there are to grow and progress your business once launched.
Business Development

Ideas and thoughts on where you can develop your business in its formative years to set you up for future success.
Planning, Strategy & Actions

An overview of what you must consider before starting your business. Provide details on what goals and objectives you should look to achieve as well as what strategy and actions you should try to employ.

Review My Business – Business Audit
About This Service
Every business whether big or small wants to answer the same question. Which is what do customers really think about my business? It is a question businesses spend close to $150b a year on trying to answer. Through various studies, market research and other tools. The importance of answering this question has only grown in recent years as competition intensifies. This service strives to provide your small or medium business owners with an affordable, insightful and actionable solution that will help you answer this question. It will provide a detailed review of your business from both the perspective of a customer and from a business developer. As well as recommendations on how you can make your business presentation more appealing to your desired customer base to help you win more business.
Like with most things in life, your business may not get a second chance to make a first impression on potential customers. Especially, with so many of your competitors being so easily accessible to your customers via the internet. Who knows how much money is lost by businesses because they fail to connect with potential customers in a meaningful way? If you have a store, how many potential customer just walks past every day unaware of the amazing products and services you have to offer? If you have a website how many times do potential customers click off your website before they can appreciate what you do? These are questions that are difficult to answer but actions need to be taken to understand how more business can be generated from these potential customers and this is what this service is intent on helping you do.
How It Helps Your Business?
At Vizidio, we are huge supporters of entrepreneurs, small and medium business owners. We love working with them, contributing to their businesses and helping in which way we can to make them successful. Out of all the services we offer this has to be the one we enjoy delivering the most to our clients as it helps our clients identify how they can connect with their customers in a more meaningful way, generate more business and provide memorable experiences to their customers.
We review, assess, evaluate and provide feedback on various customer-facing elements of your business. This includes details on our initial thoughts of your business, how well you have branded, your presentation, the customer experience, the emotions/feelings we felt, thoughts on product range, pricing, how likely we were to purchase amongst other important elements.
The goal is to provide you with a candid, honest and astute review of your business. That is independent, balanced and free from bias. From both the perspective of a customer and an experienced business developer. Covering the good, the bad and everything in between. Along with suggestions and recommendations focused on improving the first impression you make to customers. That will boost your chances of winning some of that perspective business you may be missing out on and helps build valuable relationships with customers.
One important aspect we focus on is how your business can connect with customers in a more meaningful manner. As they would with their favourite sports team or media franchise. The most successful businesses have a fiercely loyal customer base that they can rely on such as Apple or Disney. Through this service, we try to identify ways for your business to do the same. To make your customer feel that the benefits and experience your business offers are superior to anything else available on the market. This will provide your business with a strong foundation, drive growth and develop deeper bonds with your customers while practising customer experience excellence.
Who Is It For?
This service is aimed primarily towards entrepreneurs, small and medium business owners. Who operate businesses in the consumer goods, services, retail, leisure and tourism sectors based in the United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Europe.
What This Service Offers?
Below are details of the customer-facing element of your business we review:
Branding & Presentation

Reviews the branding of your business, how appealing it is and how strong of a first impression you made. Along with details on your business presentation.
Physical Store

For physical stores, we review the shop front, in-store experience, signage, item display, pricing and many other aspects. Providing detail on what we like, how friendly the store looked to new customers and where improvements can be made.

A detailed review of your business’s website. Provides thoughts, suggestions and recommendations that are focused on helping you create a website that is engaging, relevant and easy to use for your customers.
Customer Experience

A comprehensive look at the customer experience you offer in-store, on your website or both. With a focus on understanding how to maximise the customer experience and increase customer satisfaction. Boosting your chances of gaining their business while practising customer experience excellence.

An extensive look at the product/service ranges offered by your business. Including product/service presentation, how excited we were about the product/service, thoughts on pricing and how likely we would be to purchase.
Confidence & Buy In

How good of a job you did in convincing us that your product/service is worth spending our money on. Including thoughts on your customer value proposition, the confidence you gave, how much buy in we had and how likely we are to recommend your business to others.
Social Media

Reviews your Google MyBusiness profile and two social media profiles on platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and X. Includes details on how well you have represented yourself, how relevant your content is and where improvements can be made.
Recommendations & Thoughts

A conclusion of our findings with recommendations and suggestions on how you can further develop, improve and enhance the customer experience. With details on what other activities you can undertake to improve business presentation to make it more appealing to customers.

About Vizidio Business Development
Vizidio is a boutique business support organisation and business development service provider based in London. Offering services that assist with business management, business development, business growth and helping new businesses get started. Who is intent on working with our clients to help them become better, more productive and successful entrepreneurs while assisting them in developing a healthy and vibrant business. One that has purpose, is loved by its customers and excels in the industry in which they operate.
While similar, we aspire to more than the traditional business coach, management consultant or business mentor. We seek to be an extension of your business that expands your capability and helps you to get more from your venture. We are ready to squeeze every bit of experience, expertise and creativity we possess to aid you on your journey and ambitions. We are the business builders, a business that exists to help other businesses. Particularly, those hardworking business owners who have a real passion for what they do and love creating products/services that their customers enjoy.
Click To Read MoreWe primarily work with new, existing or start-up small and medium businesses based in the United Kingdom, United States, Canada or Europe. Who operate within the consumer goods, services, retail, leisure and tourism sectors. We love working with and collaborating with business owners putting our experience and expertise to good use. Blending our know-how with the creativity of entrepreneurs and business owners to create amazing businesses. That are healthy, offer exceptional products and services that exceed customer expectations. While overcoming whatever challenges business may throw their way and grasping opportunities.
We offer a mix of subscription and on-demand services. That are affordable and tailored to help you achieve your ambitions. The services we offer are focused on assisting you with the management, business development, growth and the overall betterment of your business. They include on-demand business advice, business development, new business idea development, reviewing your business and much more.
We have many years of experience in business management and development. Working for and with numerous companies in a variety of industries, including consumer goods, services, retail, leisure and food. Now, we hope to put everything we have learnt to good use by assisting you with various business matters whilst helping you obtain the results you seek and easing some of the pressures that come with business.
With us by your side, you will never be alone in business. We exist to support, encourage and empower all those who choose to work with us. Providing a personalised and empathetic approach that is centred around you and your business’s well-being. Whether you are an existing business, starting up or an idea we are determined to see you succeed and are committed to accompanying you on your journey. We treat every business we work with as if it is our very own, putting our heart into everything we do while striving to give you our best constantly. Seeing you succeed means that we have done our job well and that is the dopamine hit we live for.
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Who We Work With
At Vizidio, we primarily work with new, start-up, small and medium-sized businesses, who are based in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Europe. In sectors that include consumer goods, service, leisure, tourism, and retail. We are particularly interested in working with business owners who are passionate about their business, have a long-term focus and are focused on sustainable growth. That are intent on providing amazing products/services and have their customer experience at the heart of what they do. Below are the industries we are looking to working with businesses in:
Consumer Goods

Food & beverage; health, beauty & wellbeing; home & household care; kitchen; toys, baby & play; pet care; art, crafts & hobby; office & stationery; sports & outdoors; DIY & garden; clothing, footwear, jewellery and accessories; electronics; car and motorcycle accessories.

Retail & e-commerce; personal services; pet care & grooming; transport & storage; repair; rental; sustainability; cleaning & maintenance; health; business services; trade & contractor; IT & Tech.
Leisure & Tourism

Restaurants & food outlets; accommodation; attractions; activities; sports; film, creative and local media.
For more specifics on who we work with please click the link below.

Business Support And Growth Subscription
Our monthly subscriptions provides you with advice when you require as well as supports you with the management, development and progression of your business. Throughout the month, we will not only provide you with advice, but we will stay in constant communication with you.
Keeping informed of the latest happenings, analysing performance, monitoring progress towards goals and assisting with determining what the future direction should be. By helping you set goals, develop strategies and formulate plans that keep your business moving forward in the right direction. This subscription is all about us being there when you need us, assisting with fulfilling your ambitions and helping you build a better business.
As well as finalise goals, plans and the actions to achieve them to keep your business moving in the right direction. This subscription is all about us being proactive and working with you collaboratively to fulfil your ambitions and help you build a better business.

Vizidio Business Development Services
Below are the service we offer at Vizidio Business Development:
Business Advice On-Demand

Our on-demand advice provides you with insightful, well-thought-out and practical advice on various business matters. This will assist you in making better, more informed, decisive and confident business choices. Whenever you need on a pay-as-you-require basis. Its flexible business advice available on-demand. Some of the matters advice can be provided on include start-up, new business advice, business feedback, management, customer, marketing, product/service, growth and business development
New Business Idea Development

Utilises our experience in business development which includes starting new businesses. To provide you with advice, guidance, feedback and suggestions on your new business idea. Includes market analysis, feedback on your idea, suggestions to improve your idea, recommendations on what your business should be and a blueprint on how to take your idea to market.
Review My Business

One of our most popular services and one we enjoy delivering most to our clients. As we provide you with an affordable, insightful and astute review of various customer elements of your business. With a focus on providing you with candid, honest feedback on the customer experience you offer, how it can be improved and made more appealing to your customers. Including on your branding, website, physical store, social media and product range. From both the perspective of a potential customer and an experienced business developer.
Business Plan Review

Reviews and assists you with creating a business plan that is worthy of your new business idea. Too often good businesses fail to start because of a poorly written plan that fails to inspire However, this service helps remove this uncertainty as we review your business plan providing you with informative and constructive feedback as well as suggestions and thoughts on how to improve.
Pitch Deck or Business Presentation Review

This service helps as we review your presentation providing constructive feedback, advice and suggestions on what is good about your presentation and where it can be improved. This will assist you in creating a presentation that will wow your audience. Thoughts and suggestions can also be provided on the ideas they represent.
Crowdfunding Campaign Review

Provides feedback on your crowdfunding campaign and provides advice that boosts your chances of getting funded. It includes a review of your crowdfunding campaign page, thoughts on the idea you are trying to fund, how to market and what else you can do to make your campaign a success.
The following are how you can contact us at Vizidio. For the best and most prompt responses please contact us on WhatsApp via the button below:
Opening Hours

Our Opening Hours Are (in British Standard Time):
Monday to Friday – 09:00am – 06:00pm
Saturday – 09:00am – 03:00pm
Sundays & Public Holidays (UK) – Closed

Visits by appointment only- 16-18 Woodford Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 0HA
Live Chat

Say “hello” to us on the live chat. At the bottom of every page

You can e-mail us at

You can contact us via phone, WhatsApp or Telegram. For the most prompt response contact us on WhatsApp or Telegram on the following number +447862245085
Social Media

Connect with us on social media on the following platforms TikTok/Instagram/X -VizidioBusiness
If you have a query or would like more information about any of the services, we offer then please fill in the form below. A member of our team will typically respond to you within 24 hours. For a prompter response, you can start a live chat at the bottom of the page or message us on WhatsApp via +447862245085.