Crowdfunding Campaign Review


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NOTE: Please contact us on WhatsApp, the live chat below or via e-mail at, if you have any questions/queries about this service.

About This Service

Over the last decade, crowdfunding has become a great way to raise money for your ideas. Kickstarter, Indiegogo and others have helped raise billions of dollars for a variety of ideas. Everything from creative endeavours to consumer products has raised money for their ideas via this method. While crowdfunding is great running a campaign is not easy. It takes a lot of planning, hard work and effort with no guarantee of success. In fact, up to 70% of campaigns fail. There are numerous reasons why a campaign fails the main ones are poor planning, lack of awareness and poor execution. This service aims to avoid these pitfalls and boost your chances of getting fully funded. By assisting and guiding you on various aspects of your campaign as well as providing recommendations to improve your idea and what to do post-campaign.

Service Options

There are three options to choose from they are:


Detailed review of your crowdfunding page that provides constructive feedback on every element as well as insightful suggestions and thoughts.


Includes a review of you crowdfunding page but provides feedback, thoughts and suggestions on other key aspects of your crowdfunding campaign. Including who your audience should be, what rewards to offer, marketing and management.


Includes everything standard but also assist with understanding the market, developing your idea, guidance on goals and objectives and what to do post campaign.

Where We Assist With Your Crowdfunding Campaign

Areas of your crowdfunding campaign we look to provide assistance in includes:

Campaign Page (Essential)

Identifying Audience (Standard)

Campaign Planning (Standard)

Selecting Rewards (Standard)

Marketing Campaign (Standard)

Management (Standard)

Financial/Budgeting (Standard)

Market Overview (Detailed)

Idea Development (Detailed)

Goals & Objectives (Detailed)

Action Plan & Strategy (Detailed)

Post Campaign (Detailed)

Service is delivered as a PDF written report.

Service Extras

Add-ons available at an additional cost that enhance and provide additional perspective to the work we have conducted

Business Development Add-On

Utilising our expertise in business development to help identify growth and new opportunities for your idea.

Video Summary

A video summarising the work we produced with additional feedback, recommendations, and analysis.

Review Online Presence

Review various aspects of your online presence including your website and social media pages.

Business Model Canvas

A one-page overview showcasing your business model. Including how you will generate revenue, manage costs, what value you offer and how best to reach your customer. It is the best way to visualise and understand your business model

Vizidio – Crowdfunding Campaign Review and Optimization

Maximize your crowdfunding success with our expert review service. We provide in-depth analysis, actionable strategies, and expert guidance to help you create a winning crowdfunding campaign.

Crowdfunding has become a popular way to raise funds for innovative projects, but competition is fierce. To increase your chances of success, you need a well-planned and executed campaign. Our crowdfunding campaign review service provides expert analysis and recommendations to help you optimize your campaign and achieve your funding goals.

With our in-depth review, you’ll gain valuable insights into:

Campaign Page Effectiveness: Evaluate the design, content, and overall appeal of your crowdfunding page.

Target Audience Identification: Define your ideal backers and develop effective targeting strategies.

Reward Optimization: Create compelling reward tiers to incentivize pledges.

Marketing Strategy Development: Implement effective marketing campaigns to reach your target audience.

Campaign Management Best Practices: Optimize your campaign for maximum engagement and conversions.

Post-Campaign Planning: Develop strategies for fulfilling rewards and building long-term relationships with backers.

Our services include:

Essential Review: Comprehensive analysis of your crowdfunding page and recommendations for improvement.

Standard Review: In-depth review of your campaign, including audience analysis, reward structure, and marketing strategies.

Detailed Review: Comprehensive package including market research, idea development, and post-campaign planning.

Let us help you create a crowdfunding campaign that stands out from the crowd. Contact us today for a free consultation.

These are approximate delivery times. A more accurate delivery time will be given after you have purchased the service and we have reviewed your requirements.


Three Days


Seven Days


Seven Days

What is the service?

Assists with the development of your crowdfunding campaign. Including campaign page review, thoughts on your crowdfunding idea and assisting with the development of your strategy. Among other tasks that can help with your campaign.

What does it offer?

Depending on the service you choose we will provide you with detailed feedback on how good your crowdfunding page is with suggestions on how to improve. We can also validate the idea and provide feedback on your crowdfunding strategy.

How is the service delivered?

You will be provided with a written report in PDF format. Extras are available including an opportunity canvas or a video summarising my findings in a more interactive format.

What is goal of the service?

To assist you creating a crowdfunding campaign this is inspiring, engaging and garners the support needed to fund your idea.

Which industries do we have the most experience in?

The industries we have the most experience in are consumer goods, services like restaurants, retail, IT/tech & leisure.

Who we are?

For more than a decade we have worked in business development and management. In industries like services, consumer goods and tourism. During this time, we have learnt a few things about what it takes to build a business. Which is something we would now like to utilise to benefit those businesses that choose to work with us.

What else do we offer?

There are several services we offer including monthly subscriptions, validation, business development, review, and feedback services. Bespoke services that are exclusive to your business are also offered.

Please send as much as the information below to after purchasing the service. This will provide us with the information we need to complete the service.

Link to crowdfunding page

Documents that can help me understand your crowdfunding campaign

Documents that provide details on your business

Links to website social media, articles etc.

Information that can assist such as links to articles, web pages etc.

Any other information you think is useful

Additional information


Crowdfunding Campaign Review – Essential, Crowdfunding Campaign Review – Standard, Crowdfunding Campaign Review – Detailed, Service Extras – Business Development Add-On, Service Extras – Video Summary, Service Extras – Online Presence Review, Service Extras – Action Plan, Service Extras – Business Model Canvas