On-Demand Services

On-Demand Services

“Services that assist with the growth and business development of your business or start-up”

Our on-demand services involve us either providing you with business advice on-demand (for those not signed up for a monthly subscription) or completing tasks focused on the betterment of your business. The services we offer include:

  • On-Demand Business Advice
  • Validation & Development Services
  • Review & Feedback Services
  • Bespoke Services

Our on-demand advice provides you with insightful, well-thought-out and actionable advice on your business matters. When you require on a pay-as-you-need basis. Whether you need a little guidance, feedback or a nudge of encouragement you can count on us to be there to provide it when required. This will assist you in making better, more informed, decisive and confident business choices. Advice is provided on a variety of matters including management, leadership, decision-making, problem-solving, responding to business occurrences, feedback on new initiatives, product, customer, marketing, growth and development among other matters. We offer three types of advice more details of which can be found via the link below.

Our validation and development services focus on developing new opportunities for your existing business or assist you with getting started with your new venture. There are two services we offer:

New Business Idea Validation

Assesses, validates and helps you understand the potential of your new business idea. Provides you with research, reasons on why you should/shouldn’t pursue with the idea, guidance on the development of your business and idea as well as what actions to take to launch your business.

Business Development

Assists with the business development of your new business idea or existing business. Utilising our experience in business development to assist you with developing new opportunities for your new or existing business. As well as keep your business current, competitive and relevant to your customers.

Our review and feedback services assess and provide valuable insight into various written materials produced by your business. Such as business plans, pitch decks, websites and others. We utilise our experience and expertise in producing these materials. To provide you with constructive feedback, a fresh perspective, a second opinion and important recommendations that are focused on helping make them better, more engaging and relevant to their target audience. Advice and thoughts on the ideas they represent can also be provided. Written materials we review and provide feedback on include:

Business Plans

Pitch Decks/Presentation


Social Media Profiles

Online Business Profiles

Crowdfunding Campaigns

Artificial Intelligence

Other Materials

Bespoke services are focused on getting things done for your business. This can vary from developing new opportunities, contributing to projects, writing documents or other work not offered on our online store. Please fill in the form on this page with details of the work you would like us to conduct on your behalf. Our team will respond to you within 48 hours.

If you are looking for a service that provides you with insightful, well-thought-out and actionable advice when you require. Then this is the service for you as we lean on our decade-plus of experience in business management to provide you with practical and actionable advice. That will assist you in making better, more informed, decisive and confident business choices. Whether you need a little advice, feedback or a nudge of encouragement you can count on us to be there to provide it when required. There are three types of advice we offer for the different requirements you may have these are:

  • Essential Advice
  • Standard Advice
  • Detailed Advice

Provides rudimentary but insightful and experienced advice on matters related to your business. It is best suited for situations where you require a small amount of advice to gain clarity and encouragement that you are doing what is best for your business. Matters advice can be provided on include business occurrences, reacting to market developments, dealing with customers, functional business matters, receiving feedback on initiatives and validation of your thinking.

This tier provides you with more explanatory advice on the matters you would like advice on. Advice can be provided on the same matters as the ones mentioned in essential but offers more in-depth, enlightening and informative advice. As we take a deeper dive in the matters you want advice on to provide you with a more detailed and comprehensive response.

Our detailed advice is best suited for matters that are going to have a significant impact on your business and require additional work on our behalf such as conducting research and writing reports. It is great for assessing and developing new ideas, business growth, researching the market and other matters focused on business development and improvement.

Matters Advice Can Be Provided On

Start-Up & Existing Business Advice

Advice that will help you get started with your new business venture

Crowdfunding Campaign

Guidance on creating and managing your crowdfunding campaign

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Content

Providing valuable feedback and insight on content generated by AI

Business Feedback

Constructive feedback on new initiatives such as marketing, social media among other matters

Management & Leadership

Advice that supports you with management and leadership matters

Decision Making & Problem Solving

Experienced advice that will assist you in making better decisions and solving problems

Business Occurences

Identifying how best to respond to developments that have occurred in and around your business

Implementing Strategies & Plans

Finding the most efficient and effective way to implement new strategies and plans

Functional Management

Advice that supports with key functions such as operations, R&D & HR

Product & Service Development

How to keep your business offering current, relevant and desirable to your customers

Customer Relations

Recommendations on how to keep great relationships with your customers while keeping them happy, satisfied and loyal

Marketing Campaigns

Understanding and developing the most effective ways to market your business

Market Awareness & Competitor

Finding the right way to respond to new developments within your market

Business Performance Analysis

Input and analysis on how well your business is performing

Developing Ideas & Opportunities

Expertise to help develop new ideas & possibilities for your business

Business Growth & Development

Deciding where to grow, develop and improve what you do

Business Focus & Progression

Selecting the right focuses to help progress your business

Selecting Goals & Objectives

Helping you decide which goals and objectives to pursue

Strategy, Planning & Actions

Input on strategy, plans and actions that will get results

Other Business Matters

Other matters that you may require advice and feedback on

Work we perform on your behalf that is focused on the development and progression of your business or idea. The services we offer include:

  • New Business Idea Validation
  • Business Development

Ting! You just had an amazing idea for a new business. One that is going to offer products and services that your future customers are going to love. Having the idea is the easy part now comes the process of determining how to turn this idea into a viable business. The first step is to validate your idea to understand its potential and what purpose it can serve in today’s marketplace. This is exactly what this service does as well as provides you with experienced guidance, constructive feedback, suggestions, recommendations and actions to help launch your idea successfully. The goal is to provide you with details that will help you determine how good of an idea you have, what opportunities exist, how to develop your business and what is needed to go to market.

Utilises our experience in business development to help develop new ideas and opportunities for your existing business or new business idea. There are three options to choose from that help with different business development requirements. Our new idea development helps develop new ideas for existing businesses. Our market analysis and business development options analyses and assesses your market and provides you with strategic advice and recommendations on how to keep your business current, competitive and relevant to your customers. The new business idea development provides a blueprint of how to turn your new business idea into a viable business.

Our review and feedback services assess and provide valuable insight into various written materials produced by your business. Such as business plans, pitch decks, websites and others. We utilise our experience and expertise in producing these materials. To provide you with constructive feedback, a fresh perspective, a second opinion and important recommendations that are focused on helping make them better, more engaging and relevant to their target audience. Advice and thoughts on the ideas they represent can also be provided. Written materials we review and provide feedback on include:

Business Plans

Pitch Decks/Presentation


Social Media Profiles

Online Business Profiles

Crowdfunding Campaigns

Artificial Intelligence

Other Materials

  • Our Bespoke Services
  • Contact Form

Bespoke services are focused on getting things done for your business. This can vary from developing new opportunities, contributing to projects, writing documents or other work not offered on our online store. Please fill in the form on this page with details of the work you would like us to conduct on your behalf. Our team will respond to you within 48 hours.

Vizidio – On-Demand Business Advice: Your Expert Support

Vizidio offers flexible, on-demand business advice tailored to your specific needs. Our expert consultants provide actionable insights and guidance to help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

Our business advice tiers:

Essential AdviceGet quick, expert guidance on a wide range of business matters, including management, leadership, decision-making, and problem-solving.

Standard Advice – Benefit from more in-depth advice and analysis for specific business challenges.

Detailed Advice – Receive comprehensive support, including in-depth research and strategic planning.

Our areas of expertise:

Business StrategyDevelop and implement effective growth plans.

Sales and Marketing – Boost revenue and build brand awareness.

Operations Management – Streamline processes and increase productivity.

Human Resources – Manage your workforce effectively.

Market Analysis – Identify opportunities and understand your customers.

Problem-Solving and Decision Making – Overcome challenges and make informed choices.

Business Growth and Development – Achieve sustainable growth and expansion.

Let Vizidio be your trusted business advisor.

Validate, Develop, and Grow Your Business with Vizidio

Our validation and development services provide the expertise you need to turn your ideas into reality. Whether you’re launching a new venture or seeking to expand your existing business, we offer tailored solutions to drive growth.

Key Services Include:

Business Idea Validation: Assess the viability of your concept and identify market potential.

Market Research: Analyze your target audience and competitive landscape.

Business Plan Development: Create a comprehensive roadmap for success.

Product/Service Development: Refine your offering to meet customer needs.

Business Development: Identify and pursue new opportunities.

Let Vizidio help you transform your vision into reality

Vizidio: Expert Review and Feedback Services

Vizidio offers comprehensive review and feedback services to help you enhance your business materials and messaging. Our expert team provides constructive criticism, valuable insights, and actionable recommendations to improve your overall performance.

Key Services Include:

Business Plan Review: Evaluate your business plan for clarity, feasibility, and investor appeal.

Pitch Deck Optimization: Enhance your pitch deck for maximum impact.

Website Audit and Improvement: Identify areas for improvement and enhance user experience.

Content Review: Assess the quality and effectiveness of your written materials.

Social Media Audit: Evaluate your social media presence and engagement.

Crowdfunding Campaign Assessment: Provide feedback on your campaign strategy.

Artificial Intelligence Content Review: Evaluate AI-generated content for quality and effectiveness.